Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On the quest for a calendar!

Today I was out to buy a calendar. Little did I know that I would have to visit 4 stores to find one! I went to 2 dollar trees, a Target and FINALLY I found some at Big Lots for 75% off. So I did what any SAHM would do... I bought 5! All for the low price of $2.62!!! They are all different sizes and types! We will see if it keeps me on task! lol 

Speaking of staying on task I did pretty good today! I woke up with the hubs at about 6:00 am and fried ham for the fam! THE KIDS LOVED IT! It must have put the girl in a good mood because she actually let me french braid her hair today! (a real big thing!) Then I took the kids to scchool and dropped Elliott the pup off at the groomers. He really needed it. Then began the calandar hunt as ranted above. :) My next "adventure" was after I picked up the boy. He decided without asking to make himself waffles. So he got a paper plate and put two waffles on it and then put the paper plate in the TOASTER OVEN!!!! I came up from the dungeon I mean basement from doing laundry and thought I smell plastic burning! It didn't catch on fire but it was well on it's way! So I got that under control and decieded to do the job I DREAD doing every week... cleaning the bathroom! I timed myself and it only took 20 minutes so I figure I time myself next time and see if I can get it down to 15! That last 5 minutes of inhaling fumes really gets to a girl!  :P 

I picked up Elliott from the groomeres and he looks FABULOUS!!! So boy and I took him on a walk to pick girl up from the bus stop. Shortly after Hubs came home and I made Steak kabobs for din din! YUMO!!

Finally the hubs and I worked out and the kids are watching the tube and we are about to call it a night!

I am trying to put the following in to practice in my life and so far so good!


Unless you begin with your heart the most complete reorganization of house and home will simply give you a clean slate for future chaos. And it will drive you and everyone else around you crazy in the process.  
 - Emilie Barnes

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