Saturday, March 13, 2010

A BUSY Saturday!

We woke up at 7:00 am even though we could have slept in to at least 8:30! They hit the floor flyin' this morning! :) I worked on the budget for April while they drove me crazy! The good part is there will be five pay periods in April! YAH!!!

Boy and I watched about 7 movie trailers today. We decided what movies we wanted to go see and even wrote them down on the calendar! The funny part is we probably only see about one of them maybe. It will probably be Shrek 3 Happily Ever After!!! :P I would like to see Iron Man 2! We will see who wins!
After the hubs got home from work we took both kids to the eye dr. THe both have 20 20 vision! I was very pleased they both did very well! After that hubs took us to my favorite place to eat, THE MEXICAN RESTERAUNT!!!! It was yumo! We all over ate! :) Then we went home and the kids cleaned their room after much complaining! (OF COURSE!) I organized ALL of the kitchen cabinets, it feels so much better! I am trying to be more efficient with my grocery shopping. Every little bit helps! The hubs was so nice to take the laundry downstairs for Monday Laundry day. He also washed and folded towels! What a man!

Finally the kids after MUCH motivation got their room cleaned, so we took them bowling with three other young couples from church. We had a great time! The kids bowled 2 games and were very good! (I bowled a 47 I think I need practice!!) The hubs won the first game against the other guys!!! Then we all packed up and went to have frostys and fries! Yumo! We had a great time visiting! Everyone else had a babysitter so they were able to stay a little longer than us. We left at about 8:00 which we decided to treat like 9:00. (because of the time change... I hate springing forward) The kids took their baths and hit the pillows sleeping!! I went ahead and sat all their clothes out for church in the morning. I figure we may need the extra help in the morning! I plan on making cream of wheat and toast for breakfast. EASY!

So I am going to call it a night. I am sorry if there are a buch of typos! :) I have had a busy day! I am very tired. zzzzzzz........


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bye Bye plastic!

Yesterday I took the plastic off the windows and the storm windows out! It was a beautiful day!
The day started out with me getting up and making french toast and sausage. Then I took the kids to school and picked up my friend G and we went to Starbucks!!!! It was yummo!!!! We had a good time decorating her bathroom! It was really cute!

After I picked boy up from school we went to some resale shops to look capri pants for girl. We didn't have much luck but we had fun anyway.

When the hubs got home he started the grill and I made hamburgers and tater tots. Then we went to church. 

It was a long day, but a good on!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On the quest for a calendar!

Today I was out to buy a calendar. Little did I know that I would have to visit 4 stores to find one! I went to 2 dollar trees, a Target and FINALLY I found some at Big Lots for 75% off. So I did what any SAHM would do... I bought 5! All for the low price of $2.62!!! They are all different sizes and types! We will see if it keeps me on task! lol 

Speaking of staying on task I did pretty good today! I woke up with the hubs at about 6:00 am and fried ham for the fam! THE KIDS LOVED IT! It must have put the girl in a good mood because she actually let me french braid her hair today! (a real big thing!) Then I took the kids to scchool and dropped Elliott the pup off at the groomers. He really needed it. Then began the calandar hunt as ranted above. :) My next "adventure" was after I picked up the boy. He decided without asking to make himself waffles. So he got a paper plate and put two waffles on it and then put the paper plate in the TOASTER OVEN!!!! I came up from the dungeon I mean basement from doing laundry and thought I smell plastic burning! It didn't catch on fire but it was well on it's way! So I got that under control and decieded to do the job I DREAD doing every week... cleaning the bathroom! I timed myself and it only took 20 minutes so I figure I time myself next time and see if I can get it down to 15! That last 5 minutes of inhaling fumes really gets to a girl!  :P 

I picked up Elliott from the groomeres and he looks FABULOUS!!! So boy and I took him on a walk to pick girl up from the bus stop. Shortly after Hubs came home and I made Steak kabobs for din din! YUMO!!

Finally the hubs and I worked out and the kids are watching the tube and we are about to call it a night!

I am trying to put the following in to practice in my life and so far so good!


Unless you begin with your heart the most complete reorganization of house and home will simply give you a clean slate for future chaos. And it will drive you and everyone else around you crazy in the process.  
 - Emilie Barnes

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another begining.....

Today is the first day of my blog. I love starting new things, but soon fizzle out, so we will see how far this will take me!

My mom has given me a new way to look at my "life". I have struggled with the daily grind of being a stay at home mom. She has taught me that being a sahm is a blessing and that raising my kids in a Godly home is of the utmost importance to their future. I have also struggled with where I fit into the church "ministry" realm. I fall in and out of groups, comitees, studies etc. with no true connection. She has also helped me to realize that my ministry is my HOME! :) I LOVE to organize, make list, and keep a home, but I have had a hard time seeing why it really mattered.

Soooo after I said all that it is to say, I am a STAY AT HOME MOM and it does matter! Every towel washed every bed made every meal cooked every bath given MATTERS.

So here is my blog to try to become more like the Proverbs 31 woman, thrown in with a little sarcastic humor and stories of my fam!
